18 résultats pour « climatechange »

Climate Change Stress Testing for the Banking System

The paper explores the potential inclusion of #climatechange #risks in the #prudential #regulatoryframework, specifically discussing adjustments to #capitalrequirements and changes to the #riskmanagement and #governance framework. The paper argues in favor of the latter but is more cautious regarding the former.

Regulatory Capital and Catastrophe Risk

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A #regulatory #reform that imposes greater regulatory #capital #costs for #insurers to provide property coverage in catastrophe-prone areas results in price increases, though the magnitude of the increases is restrained due to #insurance pricing #regulation. The increase in price is commensurate to 12-30% of the increase in regulatory capital costs due to catastrophes, and the increase in price is larger for areas with higher hurricane risks, suggesting that consumers in risky areas bear the cost of #climatechange.

Climate Stress Testing

This paper that explores the design of #climate#stresstests to assess #macroprudential#risks from #climatechange in the #financialsector. The authors review current climate stress #scenarios employed by #regulators, highlighting the need to consider dynamic policy choices, better understand feedback loops between climate change and the economy, and explore compound #riskscenarios. They argue that more research is needed to identify channels through which plausible scenarios can impact credit risks, incorporate #bank-lending responses to #climaterisk, assess the adequacy of climate #riskpricing in #financialmarkets, and better understand the process of expectations formation around the realizations of climate risks.

Climate Risk and Canadian Banks: Is More Capital Required?

It highlights the increasing #regulatory focus on #climaterisk faced by #canada's #banks, both domestically through the #osfi and globally through the adoption of guidelines proposed by the #tcfd. As regulators seek to impose more #monitoring, #disclosure, and mitigation obligations on #financialinstitutions, the article raises whether banks' #capitalrequirements should be increased to reflect the #risks associated with #climatechange.

Corporate Disclosure of Climate Change Risk – A Pilot Study

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The paper discusses the proposed #climatechange #disclosure rules by the #sec, which would mandate companies to provide detailed disclosures on the impact of climate change on their financial performance and policies. The authors conducted a study using hand-collected data from 99 annual reports of 34 S&P 500 companies from 2019 to 2021, finding that 91% of the #annualreports included some disclosures on climate-related risks. The study found a positive relationship between climate-related disclosures and firms’ financial performance.

Macroprudential policies and climate risks

"Insights from scenario analysis may help inform the use of ‘hard’ macroprudential tools to foster the robustness and resilience of the banking system against climate-induced shocks. Against the backdrop of the ongoing reform of the EU’s macroprudential framework, the paper explores how the macroprudential toolkit could be adjusted to the reality of climate-related financial risks."