10 résultats pour « baseliii »

SMA vs AMA: A Critical Review of Approaches in Operational Risk

This paper, in Spanish, criticizes the Basel Committee's proposal to replace the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) for operational risk capital with the Standardized Measurement Approach (SMA). SMA is argued to be flawed due to instability, insensitivity to risk, and potential for systemic risk. The paper advocates for maintaining the AMA framework and proposes standardized recommendations for internal operational risk modeling.

BoE PRA: International banks Supervision: 2025 priorities

The PRA's 2025 priorities for UK international banks emphasize robust governance, risk management, and controls. Key areas include risk management frameworks, data accuracy for regulatory returns, financial and operational resilience (especially with the March 2025 deadline), and continued assessment of Basel 3.1 implications despite implementation delays.

Weaknesses of Financial Market Regulation

" The biggest Shortcoming of the recent reforms to the stabilization of the #financialsystem, such as #baseliii and the American #doddfrankact Act, is that they increase the #capitalrequirements rather than the causes of the increased #risk. It would generally be better to forbid risky and complex #financialproducts than to further increase #regulation complexity."

Silicon Valley Bank - (Why) Did Regulation And Risk Management Fail To Uncover Substantial Risks?

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"This paper examines the major causes of #svbcollapse collapse in March 2023 from a #regulatory and #riskmanagement perspective... Our analysis reveals major weaknesses in SVB’s risk management practice but also underlines weaknesses in the US regulatory regime [compared to #baseliii] reaching from reporting exemptions for small banks in the domain of liquidity and interest rate risks, non-sufficiently sensitive monitoring ratios, and misalignments between #accounting and risk management principles hindering effective oversight."

Measuring Tail Operational Risk in Univariate and Multivariate Models with Extreme Losses

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"This paper considers some univariate and multivariate #operationalrisk#models , in which the #loss severities are modeled by some weakly tail dependent and heavy-tailed positive random variables, and the loss frequency processes are some general counting processes. … The methodology is based on #capitalapproximation within the #baseliii framework (the so-called loss distribution approach)."

Bank Countercyclical Capital Buffer Under the Liquidity Coverage Ratio Regulation

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This paper analyzes the relationship between the #baseliii countercyclical #capitalbuffer (#CCyB) and the #liquidity coverage #ratio (#lcr) requirement. The study shows that banks face a risk-liquidity trade-off with the LCR, affecting the CCyB required level to dampen cyclicality in #bank actual #capitalratios.

Basel III and Recourse to Eurosystem Monetary Policy Operations

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"In addition to raising capital requirements, it introduced three ratios, two of which set out minimum standards for liquidity and funding risk, i.e. the liquidity coverage ratio and the net stable funding ratio, and one which aims to limit leverage in the banking system, i.e. the leverage ratio... This paper investigates the extent to which the regulatory initiatives might have already had an impact on banks."

Assessing the Impact of Basel III: Evidence from Structural Macroeconomic Models

"This paper... reviews the different channels of transmission of prudential policy highlighted in the literature and... provides a quantitative assessment of the impact of Basel III reforms using "off-the-shelf" DSGE models. It shows that the effects of regulation are positive on GDP whenever the costs and benefits of regulation are both introduced."